Using Data to Align Sales and Marketing

Keynote speakers Kelly Hopping, Chief Marketing Officer, and John Eitel, Chief Sales Officer at Demandbase, shared insight on aligning sales and marketing efforts at the virtual Demand Gen Summit Fall 2023. The keynote highlighted the leading challenges companies face regarding alignment and provided a roadmap for successfully navigating and optimizing the harmonization of these two…

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Signals To Host AI Revenue Summit; A B2B Leadership Virtual Event

Signals to host Annual AI Revenue Summit, a FREE online live summit for marketers and sales professionals to learn best practices for AI in sales, marketing, and Go-To-Market.   SILICON SLOPES, Utah-  Signals, a pioneering AI marketing leader, proudly announces the highly anticipated AI Revenue Summit on August 16th, 2023. The Summit will be a one-day…

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Mastering Cold Calls: Tips on Gaining Trust 

How to Master Cold Calling In today’s rapidly evolving B2B market, the dynamic concept of trust has emerged as a pivotal determinant of successful sales engagements. As the sales landscape continues to evolve, it’s evident that trust dynamics have shifted significantly. With buyers exercising greater caution and proactively seeking information, they are now more informed…

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5 Data-Driven Changes: Turn Metrics From Scary to Celebratory

Key Highlights When trying to look at your metrics critically and create a game plan, start from a place of curiosity and don’t include judgement. Let go of your assumptions.  Create a report of the reasons for opportunities lost in the previous quarter. Look for trends and changes over time and compare percentages.  How do…

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Grow 27% faster with Sales and Marketing Alignment

Key Highlights You want to personalize your message, use messaging that speaks your customers language. Use shared insights from all teams and use a single source of truth via shared systems.  You can personalize the message based off the stage of the sale cycle your customer is at or based off persona.   As you…

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Picking Partners: Where To Start, And How To Optimize

Key Highlights Key principles in building partnerships include identifying companies where you have similar values.  Find out the best way to manage everything that is on your books and find out the logistics and planning when balancing your own needs and your partner’s needs.  You must pay close attention to what that relationship will be…

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Build Trust Through Thought Leadership

Key Highlights Goals of the framework include assessing current efforts, having a consistent and holistic plan, pipeline to scale and identify actionable recommendations.  You have to be coming up with something new or iterating and introducing something original to be a thought leader. You also have to build that trust externally and share your information…

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