Signals Plays

Virtual Events Play

Less Hassle with More Impact

Lead the way with Signals Powered Virtual Events and Webinars. Helping your teams get more leads and build your brand.

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The Virtual Events Play offers a cost-effective solution to hosting measurable virtual events that help businesses build their brand and expand their prospect base.

How It Works

The Signals Way

By automating registration, enriching attendee data, and personalizing engagement, Signals ensures higher participation and quality lead capture. This strategy focuses on minimizing effort while maximizing impact, offering a cost-effective solution to elevate your event's reach and effectiveness.

When you sign up, you will get access to:

• Event Registration Chatbots & Forms

Email Templates

List of Potential Registrants

Press Release Template

Social Post Templates

Sales Scripts

Speaker Graphics & Resources

And more!

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Enhance efficiency and effectiveness for your virtual events.

Smart Registration and Data Enrichment

Signals automates the registration process with smart forms and chatbots, which simplify sign-ups and enrich attendee data for better segmentation and personalization.

Integrated Event and Lead Management

Signals seamlessly integrates event management with lead nurturing capabilities, ensuring that every attendee interaction is captured and utilized for future engagement.

Advanced Segmentation

With Signals, companies can easily segment their audience based on enriched data, allowing for highly targeted and personalized communication before, during, and after the event.

Direct CRM Integration

Signals offers direct integration with major CRM platforms, ensuring that lead data is automatically updated and available for sales teams, enhancing lead follow-up efficiency.

Analytics and Optimization

Signals provides comprehensive analytics on event performance and attendee engagement, enabling companies to continuously refine their strategies for better results.

Benefits of Signals for Virtual Events

Benefits & More

- Generate more Leads

- Higher quality Leads

- Brand Awareness

- Simplifying registration to minimize drop-offs

- Enriching attendee data for personalized communication

- Expanding event reach through targeted invitations

- Engaging attendees with customized interactions

The Signals Virtual Events Play can have compounding effects with these other high-rated and review plays.


Transform complexity into opportunity with Signals' Smart ABM Play. Leverage Data Enrichment and Smart Marketing for targeted success

Virtual Event Play

Less Hassel with More Impact- Lead the way with Signals Powered Virtual Events and Webinars. Helping your teams get more leads, and build your brand.

SMART Selling Play

Where every signal points to your next sale. Maximize the productivity of your sales team with the Smart Selling Signals Play. This approach provides sales professionals with an AI-powered assistant that tracks open opportunities and identifies prospects that are ready to engage.

Tired of campaigns not converting?

Optimize your campaigns using Signals to better understand your buyers and where they are in their journey.

Start seeing your Buyers' signals

Signals is helping companies automate, grow, and close sales pipeline with industry-leading predictive intent scoring, lead generation, and real-time engagement.

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