On-Demand Presentation

30/60/90 Day Demand Gen Strategy With No Paid Adds

Key Highlights

  • In your first 30 days audit to figure out what content is worth saving and repurposing. 
  • Not developing an effective referral program and a champion program is a huge miss because there are clear champions in the customer base of every company. 
  • Podcasting is one of the best ways to get people out in the market and identify what your company stands for and to communicate that at scale.  
  • Leaders are spending too much time teaching deal coaching instead of skill development. 
  • Right now, budgets are being scrutinized, and the way in which you cut through the noise and drive revenue growth is by focusing on a very specific market. 

Mason Cosby

Mason Cosby serves as the Director of Demand Generation at Sales Assembly. Mason specializes in building Scrappy ABM programs on low budgets that drive high impact. Serving as the Marketing Lead at numerous boutiques, bootstrapped businesses, Mason has Sourced over $2.5M as a marketer and a seller in the past 2 years, driving an 8X ROI. If you are looking for no-nonsense practical marketing execution that drives revenue, Mason Cosby creates daily content on LinkedIn.