On-Demand Presentation

The Science of Marketing 

Listen to it on our Podcast!

Key Highlights

  • Understand consumer behavior as a foundational aspect of marketing. Recognizing the multifaceted approach to consumer interactions in the marketplace is crucial for marketers effectively communicating with their clients.  
  • In today's data-rich environment leveraging data for personalization, targeting, and understanding customer demographics, behaviors, and preferences is essential.  
  • There are three overarching sciences in marketing: consumer behavior, data-driven insights, neuroscience and persuasion techniques. This holistic view helps in crafting more effective marketing strategies.   
  • Neuroscience and persuasion techniques have an underrated role in marketing. Understanding the psychological aspects of consumer behavior can enhance the effectiveness of marketing campaigns.   
  • Pay attention to consumer reactions to marketing campaigns. Understand the impact of each marketing action and its corresponding response from consumers. 

Lianna Kinard

Lianna is an accomplished senior marketing executive with expertise in brand strategy and competitive positioning. She is a results-oriented communications leader, adept at steering strategic goals and offering visionary guidance for corporate business planning. Lianna remains proficient in overseeing and executing comprehensive marketing initiatives across digital and traditional channels. This includes CX, strategic communications, creative and editorial planning, media strategies, vendor partnerships, OTT, and holistic lifecycle marketing. She has a proven track record that demonstrates a commitment to driving impactful campaigns while maintaining a strategic focus on acquisition, retention, and reactivation. Lianna is a dedicated leader with capabilities to implement innovative marketing strategies and attain continuous business expansion.