On-Demand Presentation

How to Generate Demand Using a Waitlist

Listen to it on our Podcast!

Key Highlights

  • Start by launching a waitlist instead of immediately launching a product, feature upgrade, event, or workshop. People will express their interest before committing to a purchase. For example, if you're planning an event or training, launch the waiting list before the tickets. Strategies like this will help in gauging interest and building anticipation.
  • By launching waiting lists before ticket sales and communicating limitations on customer intake for the current year, businesses can allow potential buyers to signal their interest first before proceeding with sales, aligning with the fundamental principles of supply and demand tension.
  • Launching and managing a waiting list campaign can be simplified using simple templates and tools like the Score app. These templates are easy to use, and you can customize them with your content and images. This can help you create and manage your waiting list with minimal effort.
  • The distribution of profit is not inherently equitable. Still, it is contingent on the tension between supply and demand, reflecting the intricate relationship between buyers and sellers.
  • Businesses should promote waiting lists and signaling mechanisms to prioritize signals over immediate sales.

Daniel Priestley

Daniel is the Co-Founder and CEO of Dent Global, a company that develops entrepreneurs to stand out, scale up, and make a meaningful impact in the world. For over 12 years, Mark had been leading a team of high performers who deliver award-winning accelerator programs, software solutions, and business books to over 3000 clients across the UK, US, Canada, and Australia. His mission is to help entrepreneurs solve meaningful problems in remarkable ways, using technology, innovation, and influence. Mark co-created ScoreApp, a software that automates performance marketing campaigns using quizzes, online assessments, and surveys. He has also written best-selling business books, including Key Person of Influence, Entrepreneur Revolution, and Oversubscribed. Additionally, Mark is a VIP contributor to Entrepreneur Media and a board advisor of Home Grown Club, a network of high-growth entrepreneurs.