On-Demand Presentation

Cracking the Code on Growth

Listen to it on our Podcast!

Key Highlights

  • Marketing often represents a huge portion of a company's expenditure, second only to payroll, underscoring the importance of strategic and effective marketing practices.  
  • The stage of a professional's career influences their approach to marketing challenges. For instance, early career professionals might focus on experimentation, mid-career professionals on leveraging past experiences, and late-career professionals on prioritized, data-driven strategies. 
  • Hiring decisions, particularly in marketing, can have long-term impacts on a company's trajectory. The choice between hiring a specialist in specific channels versus a department leader with broader experience can significantly affect the company's marketing success. 
  • A highly engaged workforce can increase a company's profitability by about 21%. This highlights the importance of employee engagement and its direct impact on the company's bottom line.  

Chris Frank

Chris is a 20-year marketing veteran that has helped everyone from pre-launch startups to Fortune 500 companies. He is currently on his 11th startup, where he built the team and over $9.5M in marketing-sourced pipeline the first year and a half. Of those, 5 of the 11 have been sold, with more on the way. Chris loves advising the founders and CMOs interested in rapid growth that he has met along the way. His focus is on building the teams, strategies and marketing channels necessary for that growth. Chris lives in Temecula, California with his wife, kids and his dog Zero.