Buyer Intent Data 101

Buyer intent data

In today’s market understanding buyer intent is one of the best ways to achieve growth and maintain a competitive edge. Buyer Intent data, especially in the B2B realm, offers insights into potential customers’ behaviors and readiness to purchase.  Leveraging this data can strengthen marketing strategies, sales processes, and strategies. This blog will dive into what…

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Lead Enrichment: Enhanced Prospect Data for Deeper Insights

Lead enrichment is the enhancement of lead data with additional information. It makes existing leads more valuable and actionable, thus elevating customer interest, engagement, and conversion.   Imagine a few scattered pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. These initial pieces represent your basic lead data, often consisting of a mere name, email address, or phone number. Each…

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Advanced Lead Generation Strategies for 2024: Insights and Innovations

Navigating the Competitive Edge in Lead Generation In an era where market dynamics shift rapidly, understanding and adapting to competition is not just strategic—it’s imperative for survival and growth. By scrutinizing the competitive landscape, organizations can uncover actionable insights that enable them to refine their marketing strategies for unparalleled engagement and lead generation. Monitoring the…

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Using Data to Align Sales and Marketing

Keynote speakers Kelly Hopping, Chief Marketing Officer, and John Eitel, Chief Sales Officer at Demandbase, shared insight on aligning sales and marketing efforts at the virtual Demand Gen Summit Fall 2023. The keynote highlighted the leading challenges companies face regarding alignment and provided a roadmap for successfully navigating and optimizing the harmonization of these two…

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All You Need to Know About the Demand Gen Summit

What is the Demand Gen Summit?   The Demand Gen Summit is one of the four virtual events we proudly host each year. This summit is a dynamic platform where visionary speakers gather to discuss critical business topics, offering invaluable insights and strategies to inspire growth and success. Beyond that, it is an opportunity to…

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September Webinar: Signals Product Update

This September’s webinar is an invaluable opportunity! Optimize your Signals account, enhance your content management, and align your marketing strategies with the customer’s journey. Don’t miss out on this chance to take your Signals experience and expertise to the next level!     This September’s webinar promises to be an exciting event for Signals’ users,…

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