Why Chatbots? 7 Benefits of Implementing Chatbots

Chatbots address a variety of pain points that customers are experiencing. But how can you really connect conversations to opportunities? By implementing chatbots, you can provide an enjoyable experience for your customer and send them down your funnel.

At ChatFunnnels we recognize that meetings or demos booked are linked back to these chats. But we know that the chatbots aren’t just here to chat; they are here to make us money. 

There are a plethora of benefits of implementing chatbots into your marketing and sales strategies that are worth looking into. In a recent podcast with Billy Bateman, featuring Derek Boggs from Ivanti, they dive into the specific advantages of utilizing chatbots on your website. Derek focuses on how can conversations be used to create pipeline and revenue. Here’s what we can learn from them!

Benefits of Bots

Generally speaking, automated conversations with chatbots ensures that your customers can engage where they are and get the information they need when they need it. It is proposed that for this year, 2020, over 80% of businesses are expected to have some sort of chatbot automation implemented. So jump on the bandwagon! Get a chatbot for your website!

Here’s a breakdown of 7 benefits of chatbots:

Here are 7 benefits of implementing chatbots.

1. Increased Engagement

Honestly, it’s just harder to get in contact with people over the phone or through email. But chatbots allow the customer to get engaged right there on your website. And that’s where live chat comes in handy too. Therefore, you will see an increased amount of conversations because it’s such an easy process. Just look at the stats!At 73%, live chat has the highest satisfaction levels for any customer service channel, compared with 61% for email and 44% for phone. Chat is where it’s at!

Customers feel comfortable chatting with the bot. No matter the type of bot they can engage immediately because the bot is always available.

2. Qualifying

Chatbots allow for 24/7 qualifying. Think about how else you can qualify customers- with an SDR, right? The process of the sales rep calling the customer, asking the necessary questions, and trying to determine if they are the ideal customer is a lengthy process. As the customer interacts with the bot, the bot is constantly qualifying them.

Chatbots help weed through customers and direct those who are ready to buy in the right direction.

3. Save Time

The qualifying feature of bots leads us to another major benefit of chatbots, what we like to call speed to lead. You can capture leads much faster with bots by bypassing forms. Compared to forms, chatbots are more effective because it’s less likely that the customer will drop out, like they might mid form. And I think we can all agree that chatbots are a lot less boring than web forms!

Bots can also save your sales team’s time. As mentioned, the bot qualifies. So then your sales team really only has to deal with qualified leads. They can spend more time selling and less time tracking down leads.

It saves your customers’ time because they can interact with the bot 24/7. In this digital era of marketing, people don’t have the patience to wait for what they want. Chatbots cater to current consumer sentiment.

4. Book Meetings

When implementing chatbots, you will see the benefit of having the bot book meetings for you.

Chatbots have the ability to book meetings right then and there, so customers can avoid the call center appointment settings. The bot can be connected to your calendar and teams’ calendars. It helps qualified leads enter your marketing and sales funnels by getting them to meet with your reps. It’s more convenient that way for them and you.

Implementing chatbots eliminates the back and forth to schedule a meeting. It’s all about real time! The bot also facilitates in booking demos and free trials. This is where we can see that an increase in opportunities really can be linked back to the conversations with the bot.

5. Higher Conversion Rates

It is proven that implementing chatbots on your website will increase your conversion rates. Since chatbots are operating 24/7. So, even when your team isn’t there to help people convert, the bot can do it. 79% of companies say that live chat has had positive results for customer loyalty, sales, and revenue.

They are very casual and conversational, which appeals to customers these days. People will appreciate that type of customer service, which will make them more inclined to convert and stay converted.

6. Delivers Data

Chatfunnels has a reporting platform that enables easy access to important data. Looking at the data will help you make informed decisions to make live chat more effective. You should always make data driven decisions to yield the best results.

7. Save Money

Implementing chatbots can save you money.

Here’s the best benefit of chatbots- they are money savers! There is value in driving conversations via AI. You can save money on hiring so many SDR’s or CSR’s. Instead of having a huge sales rep team, your refined team can focus on more critical matters and live chat, and let the bot do the rest. Having reps and bots work simultaneously saves your company some big bucks!

It costs money to lose customers! Chatbots increase customer loyalty. If your customer has a positive experience with the bot, they will be inclined to come back and make more purchases with the bot.

Chatbots lower operational costs. They are a more efficient way of answering basic queries on a “self-service” basis.

Reach Your Goals

Prepare your sales team to successfully implement bots to see these benefits play out in your business model.

Chatbots will help you reach your marketing and sales goals. If you aren’t getting the engagement you want on your website, try out chatbots!


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