3 Examples Of Goals For Company Growth

Studies show that nearly 80% of people have given up on their New Year’s resolutions by February! A lot of that has to do with what goals you’re setting. Here are 3 examples of goals for company growth you should start working towards now in order to really see improvement within your business.

1. Recruit Top-Notch Salespeople

Your sales team is crucial to the success of your business. Essentially, everyone works for sales! They are the ones closing deals and bringing in revenue.

You need to start setting goals for what type of salespeople your company needs. Think about how you are going to go about finding that talent.

It’s tough to recruit really great salespeople, so how do you actually establish a sales dream team?

Our sales team here at ChatFunnels has doubled in the last few weeks. We have realized that hiring remotely comes with a whole set of new challenges. They say communication is key, but with hiring remotely it’s almost has if you have to over-communicate to ensure that everyone is on the same page.

Learn to Slow Down

In a recent episode of Digital Conversations, Billy Bateman talked with Royce Robbins, the Talent Acquisition Advisor at Zip Co., about the best practices for recruiting new sales team members. Royce shared that your goal should be to slow down. You shouldn’t rush through the process of hiring new salespeople.

You have to take the time to figure out what great sales talent looks like at your company. How can you go out and find more people like that? As Royce put it, you don’t want to just hire a “bum in a seat.” You want someone who will own your sales process and grow it, not just adhere to it. The goal is to hire someone who will provide the company with a lot of value.

And that’s why you need to slow down the process and take the time to recruit people who will be a great fit.

Royce brought up a great point that recruiting is so similar to sales. Not only do you want to make sure that they will be the best fit for your company, but you want them to know why your company is the best fit for them. That is how you will attract the talent.

Value propositions attract great candidates.

In conclusion, you should start thinking about what new company goals you should set for recruiting top-notch salespeople. Slow down the process and focus on finding people who will excel and grow the sales process you already have established.

2. Optimize Everything

Another one of your company goals should be to optimize your site.

Before doing so, you need your marketing and sales teams to be perfectly aligned and in sync.

Recently on Digital Conversations, Billy Bateman talked with Darryl Praill about this topic. Darryl shared that he doesn’t even call his teams sales or marketing. He collectively calls them the revenue team.

Once everyone is on the same page, you can focus on brining in more ROI.

The best way to really get some ROI is to focus on search engine optimization.


It is relatively affordable to improve your site’s SEO. You don’t necessarily need to outsource it and spend thousands of dollars each month. What you need is someone on your team who can commit to SEO.

It’s so important because if you do it right, then the people coming to your site will be high intent visitors. They went out searching for solutions to their pain points and they found you. This means that the sales cycle will be shorter and those visitors will likely convert.

Some great SEO optimization tools would be SEM rush and Ahrefs.  These tools help you create content with a plan in mind and allow you to see what works and what doesn’t for your site. Be intentional with SEO and use it to drive your content.

Pro tip from Darryl: Look back at old content that is performing well. See what you can tweak to enhance it and you will see that it really pays off.

You should be looking for excuses to optimize everything!

Something to think about that Darryl brought up is the importance of video. Everyone has a blog and podcast and eBooks and white papers, but video could be the element that sets you apart. It’s something unique that can make a great impression.

Don’t just start thinking about website optimization, start optimizing!!!

3. Start Testing Your Website

A great goal to set for 2021 is to start optimizing your website with split testing. Split testing, or A/B testing, is the key for increasing conversion rates.

Chris Dayley, owner of Smart CRO, discussed website conversion rate optimization on a recent episode of Digital Conversations with Billy Bateman. He talked all about the importance of split testing in order to get more people to convert off your website.

Change Your Mindset

Chris has seen that many people do not have the proper mindset when deciding to jump on board with split testing. He shared how you have to be open to testing everything!

You have to stop thinking that you already know exactly what your customers want and what works for your site.

Challenge your assumptions! Be willing to test things that you may think are working, and you might be surprised to find out that they might not be.

What to Test

Chris talked about testing content and value propositions.

Try removing content to see what actually matters to your audience. If you remove content and conversion rates go up, then that content really wasn’t important to your site and should be removed. It’s important to know what works and what doesn’t. You will also find that when you add or remove content, sometimes there will be no impact on conversion rates.

You should also be testing the order and format of your content. Everything needs to be based off data, which is why testing is crucial. Many people place a certain piece of content at the top because they think customers want that piece of content most. However, it’s better to find out through testing what they actually want. Going off your gut is not the most effective strategy.

You should also be testing your value propositions to see which is the strongest. Then, advertise the one that increased conversion rates the most.

Chris sees 20-30% gains in just testing content and value propositions!

Another great thing to test is call to actions. In one case, Chris saw 300% more clicks on a call to action in an email that had one call to action versus one that had three.

Overall, testing needs to be your new goal because not only does it help you improve your current site, it also helps you know how to continue to optimize it going forward.

Here at ChatFunnels we completely believe that testing is the answer to all web conversion rate issues! We have built out our own testing platform where users can run A/B tests on all their chatbots in order to make data driven decisions. The ChatFunnels Experiment is a simple and easy way to optimize your website and bump up conversion rates.


Don’t get down on yourself if you haven’t set some amazing company goals yet. Recruiting great salespeople, optimizing your SEO, and testing your website are three goals to start off with. 

Make sure to subscribe to the Digital Conversations podcast with Billy Bateman in order to hear from more experts on what they’re doing to engage prospects and increase conversion rates. 


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