On-Demand Presentation

Harnessing AI to Drive Revenue Growth

Brian McCarson discusses the opportunities and challenges of leveraging AI for revenue growth. He highlights "The companies I have consistently been able to see apply AI, not effortlessly, but with the least amount of friction, have been the companies that have focused on using AI to enhance their value proposition.”

Key Points

  • We think of AI as a system or process that can increase the efficiency of a workforce, but getting there through a traditional AI workflow still requires people to define problems, do data capture, data cleansing, model development, model training, evaluate those models, refine them, put them in a production environment, and then manage that.
  • Context awareness in your generative AI system can solve a lot of future human in-the-middle constraints. When companies focus on the context of their solutions, they end up producing better, repeatable, more reliable outcomes.
  • Rather than just deploying AI tools, focus on understanding what’s limiting your revenue growth. Addressing these constraints directly with AI solutions can significantly enhance your success and ROI.

About the Speaker:


Brian McCarson



With expertise in AI, cyber security and industrial automation, business management, and enterprise scaling, Brian McCarson has over 170 approved and pending patent claims in these fields. He has contributed to establishing cybersecurity standards across numerous International Standards Bodies, including in the US.

Brian is currently the EVP, CTO, and CISO at Packsize International — an award-winning supply chain and sustainable packaging industry leader in North America, Europe, and Asia-Pacific. The introducer of On Demand Packaging® in 2002, Packsize is now a multinational manufacturer of advanced packaging systems and automated packaging machine technology. Previously, McCarson was VP and General Manager of Intel's Next Unit of Compute Group, as well as the former CTO of IoT at Intel.

Check out the other presentations from the 2024 AI Revenue Summit!