On-Demand Presentation

Drive Revenue with AI Insights and Strategies

Devin Noonan explores how to use AI to drive revenue, emphasizing, "AI is not just a tool—it's a transformative force that, when strategically aligned, can redefine how we drive revenue, personalize customer journeys, and scale success across the entire organization.”

Key Points

  • Looking at the broader lens of RevOps, AI is not a robot taking your job. The goal is to use AI to automate, digitize, and build around the customer experience while incorporating that human element.
  • CROs who are considering adopting AI to scale their sales operations and drive up the new growth should slow down, don't get caught up in the hype, and to look align specifically with their business objectives.
  • Don't be afraid to take 10 or 20 calls before you make a purchase. You want to make sure that you're landing with the right partner. It's essential to ensure you’re choosing the right partner. The tech might be great, but you need partnership from a support level too.

About the Speaker:


Devin Noonan



Devin Noonan is a strategic growth leader with over a decade of experience supporting senior executives and leading dynamic sales teams. As the CRO at Bedrock, Devin oversees all revenue-generating activities and brings expertise in customer acquisition, contract negotiation, partnerships, and strategic go-to-market planning. Before joining Bedrock, Devin led a top-performing sales team at Gartner, Inc. and ran his own consulting firm, The Noonan Group, LLC. He holds a Master of Technology Entrepreneurship from the University of Maryland and an Executive MBA from the Kellogg School of Management. Devin is actively involved in non-profits,is currently on the board of Team First Book New York City, and is a past National President of the Elks National Scholar Advisory Board.

Check out the other presentations from the 2024 AI Revenue Summit!