On-Demand Presentation

AI Use Cases in Generative Marketing: Insights from Alexander Group

Kevan Savage presents recent research from The Alexander Group, showcasing Generative AI marketing use cases that can enhance your strategies for driving revenue growth.

Key Points

  • When considering what tools to use, remember that just 10 to 15 years ago, there were only a handful of options for marketing automation. Today, with around 5,000 tools available, the ecosystem is incredibly fragmented. Finding the right tools that align with your growth goals is crucial.
  • Generative AI is expanding AI's role in organizations. Automation is paramount in relation to what you're doing with machine learning. By connecting these two, you can use different methods to deliver value, not only for AI but also in measuring various types of growth relative to your organization.
  • While looking at both your investment and performance expectations for pipeline development, rethink your market research and sentiment strategy to drive GTM targeting and activation. 

About the Speakers:

Kevan Savage

Kevan Savage

Principal, Global Marketing Practice


Kevan Savage is the Principal of Global Marketing Practice at The Alexander Group. He brings over 25 years of experience in building and transforming organizations to drive growth. Kevan has extensive commercial experience in both B2B and B2C sectors. His expertise includes brand strategy, marketing, product management, and sales across various industries.

Check out the other presentations from the 2024 AI Revenue Summit!