Intent Scoring Powered by AI
Leverage the power of predictive AI to identify what accounts are most likely to convert into opportunities by using your CRM's historical data trends and tracking visitors' behaviors. We can help you know what companies are on your site and who is ready to purchase.
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Trusted By Industry Leaders
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Fully Customizable
Rank what visitor behaviors are most important to you, and get recommendations on accounts that are most valuable to pursue.
Track Behaviors
See what behaviors have caused an increase or decrease in an account's intent score and create daily action plans for productive outreach.
Segment by Scores
Segments can create a unique experience for accounts based on their intent score. Have unique chatbots fire, look up contacts, or alert agents!
Email Updates
Receive a daily, weekly, or monthly score summary to notify you of changes to a company's intent score.
Loved by Customers
Signals was named one of the top 50 AI Tools by G2, and our customers are seeing results!