Decoding AI: Navigating its Everyday Applications in B2B Marketing 


In the ever-evolving digital landscape, the term "AI" has become ubiquitous. Yet, its true meaning and potential often remain elusive, especially in the B2B marketing realm. Scott Logan, CMO at Kronologic, and James Gilbert, CMO at Flip, decoding the everyday intricacies of AI. These 2023 AI Revenue Summit speakers distinguish between AI's various forms and highlighting its practical applications in our daily lives and businesses. 

Key Points

  1. 1. The term "AI" is frequently misused, and it's crucial to differentiate between AI, generative AI, LLM (large language model), and ML (machine learning).
    2. AI has been around longer than most realize, with everyday examples like Alexa and Siri showcasing its capabilities.
    3. AI can significantly enhance efficiency in tasks, especially in generating initial ideas or frameworks.
    4. While AI offers numerous advantages, it's essential to approach its integration with caution, especially in sales and marketing.
    5. AI is not just about automating tasks but also about enhancing human capabilities and making processes more efficient.

Understanding AI's Pervasiveness

AI's influence is undeniable. From the voice assistants in our homes to the algorithms that recommend our next purchase, AI has seamlessly integrated into our daily routines. But beyond these consumer-facing applications, AI's potential in the B2B space is vast and largely untapped. 

Setting the Record Straight on AI

The buzz around AI has led to a surge in companies rebranding with ".ai" domains and claiming AI capabilities. However, it's crucial to distinguish between genuine AI applications and mere buzzwords. Understanding the difference between generative AI, LLMs, and ML can provide clarity in this saturated space. 

Real-world Applications and Implications

The presentation highlighted intriguing use cases, such as the AI-driven Mortal Kombat game featuring political and celebrity figures. Such creative applications showcase AI's potential beyond traditional realms. However, as with any technology, there are challenges and ethical considerations to address. 

Aligning Teams with AI

Integrating AI into business processes requires a strategic approach. Leaders must not only familiarize themselves with AI tools but also ensure their teams are aligned and trained. By presenting AI as a tool to enhance, not replace, human capabilities, businesses can harness its full potential. 


AI's transformative potential in B2B marketing is undeniable. However, to truly harness its power, businesses must approach its integration with clarity, caution, and a commitment to continuous learning and decoding of AI. As McKinsey & Company aptly puts it, "AI is not just another technology but a tool of reinvention." For those keen on diving deeper into the insights from the AI Revenue Summit and understanding how AI tools like Signals can revolutionize your B2B marketing efforts, download our exclusive ebook from the event. Let the future of AI driven marketing unfold before you.