B2B Marketing Automation

Signals is an innovative marketing automation platform for B2B companies. Our mission is to transform your lead discovery process, making it more efficient, insightful, and productive.

Real Solutions

Signals helps you improve B2B marketing automation. Your team can use buyers signals to listen, interpret and orchestrate.

  • Higher engagement 
  • Increased qualified  leads
  • Data- Driven decisions 
  • Transparency into your website data
  • Account based engagement 
  • Faster sales cycle 
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Real Time Tracking

Account Identification

With Signals, you can identify what companies are visiting your website. Know what pages they’re visiting, understand their traffic sources, and create tactful engagement

Target Your Ideal Buyers

Our Contact Discovery process automates the identification of highly qualified leads. Signals doesn't just provide insights; it actively identifies leads that match your ideal buying personas. Specify titles, departments, and seniority levels, and let Signals fill your sales funnel with qualified leads.

Targeted Buyers 2-min
ICP Icon

What is Your ICP ?

The Ideal customer profile (ICP) is the criteria an company needs to meet, to become a lead. Your ICP represents your ideal customer based on common attributes. 

Automate Your ICP Creation

Signals automates the creation of your ICP by analyzing your current CRM data. Signals looks at trends in your current customers and uses that information to help you predict what other companies are likely to buy. '

Using the ICP you are able to analyze visitor interactions, and demographics to segment your audiences. Giving you all the tools and insights launch a marketing campaign.

Automate your ICP with SIgnals. All you need to do is connect your CRM (Customer Relationship Management) and identify how you label your customers. Signals then use your CRM's historical data to recommend criteria for an ICP fit.

Predictive AI Lead Scoring

Track visitor behavior with predictive AI lead scores. This score helps you gauge the potential of leads.  

Signals score is based on: 

  • How long users stay on the website 
  • Are they visiting high intent pages? 
  • Does their account align with your ICP? 

The Signals Score can help you increase your close rate.

Schedule Meetings

Signals helps you automate the engagement process, allowing for scheduling of meetings. As leads show interest, integrate your calendar in chats, connecting them with the right representative at the right time. With data-driven insights and contact lists at your disposal, it's time to engage.

Meeting Automation
Routing and Notifications

Customized Notifications

Signals allows you to set up alerts via email, text, or in-product, informing you about key account visits, live chat requests, scheduled meetings, and more. Use customized notifications to ensure you never miss an engagement opportunity.

Personalized Chatbot Automation

Signals' chatbots enable you to engage visitors automatically.This helps you give each site visitor a better experience, and buying journey. 

A/B testing

A/B testing enables you to experiment with chatbots to determine what works best for your target audience. From chatbot layout changes to different messaging styles, use real user data to guide your decisions.


Discover the Future of Lead Generation

Join us at Signals, where your journey towards efficient, insightful, and successful lead discovery awaits. Let's transform how you identify, engage, and convert your potential buyers.
